
The Hydrogen Surge: Industrial Gases' New Front Runner


As countries and industries shift towards a more sustainable future, hydrogen is emerging as a vital player. Whether for green energy storage, transportation, or industrial processes, the potential of hydrogen is vast and varied.

In the realm of renewable energy, hydrogen is emerging as a game-changer. Its versatility, coupled with its clean-burning nature, sets it apart from conventional energy sources. As the global community rallies for more sustainable solutions, hydrogen has proved to be the perfect companion to other renewable sources, acting as a complementary force rather than a competitor. Here's how hydrogen is redefining its position in the renewable energy matrix.

The global industrial gas market was valued at USD 96.50 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 147.28 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 7.30%. Industrial gases are used in various industries, and the demand for these gases is expected to grow in the coming years. This growth is being driven by factors such as increasing industrialization, urbanization, and population growth. Industrial gases are used in various industrial applications such as manufacturing, processing, and analysis. These gases can be either pure gases or mixtures of gases and are usually produced in large quantities and supplied in compressed or liquid form. Some common industrial gases include oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, helium, acetylene, and hydrogen. Companies are continually investing in research and development to create new products and technologies to meet the evolving needs of their customers. Such factors are expected to drive growth in the industrial gas market by providing unique and innovative solutions to various industries.

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One of the significant challenges faced by renewable energy sources like solar and wind is their inconsistency. Through electrolysis, excess energy generated can be used to produce hydrogen gas, effectively storing energy for use when renewable sources aren't producing. This stored hydrogen can then be converted back into electricity through fuel cells when required.

The emergence of Green hydrogen, produced through renewable means like Electrolysis for hydrogen production, presents an eco-positive promise. Organizations like Messer are pioneering efforts to make green hydrogen the industry norm.

The global green hydrogen market was valued at USD 3.34 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 43.68 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 53.45% during the forecast period. The hydrogen produced from renewable sources is known as green hydrogen. It contributes to zero carbon emissions which can be used in industries without interrupting production and help to make society carbon-free. The green hydrogen market has helped various industries, especially those that contribute highly to emissions, like heavy industries, steel, and chemicals, to lower their carbon emissions.

Click here to explore report on Green Hydrogen market


Contrary to popular belief, hydrogen can easily integrate into the existing energy infrastructure. Current gas pipelines, with minimal modifications, can accommodate hydrogen, enabling a seamless shift towards a more hydrogen-centric energy mix. Moreover, transportation, traditionally reliant on fossil fuels, is witnessing a hydrogen-powered revolution. Buses, trains, and even some airplanes are undergoing adaptations to harness hydrogen as a primary fuel source, promoting cleaner and efficient transportation.


The holy grail of renewable energy is achieving a zero-carbon footprint. When hydrogen is produced from renewable sources and used as fuel, the only byproduct is water. This circular, zero-emission system can dramatically reduce our carbon footprint, further emphasizing hydrogen's role as renewable energy's ally in the fight against climate change.

It's important to note that hydrogen's carbon footprint is closely tied to its method of production. While hydrogen itself releases no carbon when used, traditional methods of producing hydrogen, such as steam methane reforming (SMR), do release carbon. However, when hydrogen is produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy (like wind or solar), the entire life cycle from production to consumption becomes carbon-neutral. This method, known as "green hydrogen" production, represents the ideal pathway toward a zero-carbon energy economy.

Water as the Sole Emission: When hydrogen is combusted or used in a fuel cell, the only byproduct is water vapor. This contrasts starkly with fossil fuels, which release a medley of harmful emissions, including CO2, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. Thus, hydrogen provides a way to harness energy without introducing pollutants into our atmosphere.


As global demand for cleaner energy sources escalates, the focus has honed in on the potential of green hydrogen. Distinguished from its counterparts, blue and grey hydrogen, by its environmentally benign production method, green hydrogen is seen as the key to unlocking a truly sustainable energy future.

Green hydrogen, derived from renewable resources, has a two-fold benefit. Firstly, it aids in balancing the grid, and secondly, it offers a greener alternative to blue or grey hydrogen, which comes from natural gas or coal, respectively. Industries, recognizing this, are gradually shifting their focus to green hydrogen production. This shift doesn't only propel hydrogen's prominence in the energy sector but also amplifies the potential of renewable sources from which it is derived.

While electricity can directly power many applications, certain sectors like aviation, shipping, and heavy industries require energy-dense fuels. Here, green hydrogen or hydrogen-derived fuels like ammonia and synthetic hydrocarbons can play a pivotal role, offering high-energy solutions without the carbon emissions associated with fossil fuels.

Recognizing the multifaceted benefits of green hydrogen, numerous countries have announced strategic roadmaps and investments. The European Union, for example, aims to install 40 gigawatts of electrolyzers by 2030, representing a massive boost in green hydrogen production. Such initiatives not only underscore the global commitment to green hydrogen but also catalyze the growth and affordability of associated technologies.


While green hydrogen, produced purely through renewable sources, is the ultimate goal for a sustainable energy future, the transition to a fully green hydrogen economy will take time. In the interim, blue hydrogen, which is produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques, provides a bridge. This allows for the benefits of hydrogen as an energy carrier while significantly reducing associated carbon emissions.

The Process of Blue Hydrogen Production: Blue hydrogen is primarily produced using a method called steam methane reforming (SMR). In this process, natural gas (methane) is reacted with steam to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Traditionally, this carbon dioxide would be released into the atmosphere. However, in the production of blue hydrogen, the emitted CO2 is captured and stored underground or used in various applications, hence mitigating its environmental impact.

Efficiency of Carbon Capture: Modern CCS techniques can capture up to 90% of the CO2 emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes, making blue hydrogen a far cleaner option than grey hydrogen (where emissions are not captured). This makes blue hydrogen a viable transitional energy source as we move towards a green hydrogen economy.

Applications of Captured Carbon: Beyond merely storing the captured CO2, there are growing avenues for its utilization. From enhancing agricultural yield through carbonation to its use in the production of concrete and plastics, the captured carbon from blue hydrogen production has the potential to be repurposed, driving a circular economy approach.

Infrastructure and Investment: Since blue hydrogen utilizes existing natural gas infrastructure, its adoption doesn't necessitate the complete overhaul of current energy systems. This can lead to significant cost savings and expedite the shift towards hydrogen as a primary energy carrier. Moreover, investments in CCS technologies can further drive down costs and increase efficiency, making blue hydrogen more economically viable.

Addressing Skepticism: Critics argue that blue hydrogen is merely a stopgap and that investments should be directed towards green hydrogen. While the end goal remains a shift to green hydrogen, the development and adoption of blue hydrogen provide immediate solutions, allowing for reduced emissions and the establishment of a hydrogen-based infrastructure.


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) into various sectors has enabled businesses to optimize operations, increase efficiency, and discover new insights. The hydrogen gas market, which is pivotal in the transition to a green energy future, is no exception. Here's how AI and ML are making an impact:

Optimized Production:

Predictive Maintenance: AI models can predict when equipment used in hydrogen production (like electrolyzers) might fail or need maintenance, reducing downtime and ensuring consistent production levels.

Optimizing Electrolysis: Machine learning algorithms can help in determining the optimal conditions for electrolysis, maximizing efficiency and hydrogen output.

Supply Chain and Logistics:

Demand Forecasting: ML models can analyze patterns and trends to forecast hydrogen demand, allowing producers to adjust their production schedules accordingly.

Route Optimization: AI can optimize transportation routes for hydrogen delivery, ensuring quicker deliveries while reducing transportation costs.

Safety and Monitoring:

Leak Detection: Hydrogen is flammable and can be dangerous if leaked. AI-powered sensors can quickly detect and alert facilities about any potential leaks, enhancing safety measures.

Real-time Monitoring: Advanced AI systems can monitor the entire hydrogen production and storage process in real-time, identifying any anomalies or inefficiencies.

Integration with Renewable Energy Sources:

Grid Balancing: AI can predict when renewable energy sources (like solar and wind) will generate excess electricity, which can then be used to produce hydrogen, effectively balancing the grid.

Energy Storage Decisions: AI can decide when it's best to store energy as hydrogen or feed it back into the grid based on demand and supply forecasts.

Market Analysis and Investment:

Trend Analysis: Machine learning algorithms can analyze market trends, helping investors and businesses identify growth areas or potential challenges in the hydrogen market.

Investment Decisions: AI can aid in analyzing the viability and potential return on investment of new hydrogen-related projects.

Research and Development:

Material Discovery: AI can assist researchers in discovering new catalysts or materials for hydrogen production, storage, and fuel cells, potentially revolutionizing the efficiency and cost of hydrogen-related technologies.

Simulation and Modeling: Machine learning models can simulate different scenarios for hydrogen production, storage, and use, accelerating the research process and reducing the need for costly physical prototypes.

Consumer Applications:

Fuel Cell Performance: For hydrogen-powered vehicles, AI can optimize fuel cell performance, improving efficiency and longevity.

User Behavior Analysis: ML algorithms can analyze how consumers use hydrogen-powered devices or vehicles, providing insights for manufacturers to enhance future products.

Conclusion: The synergy between AI & ML and the hydrogen gas market offers transformative potential. As the sector evolves, the integration of these technologies will undoubtedly play a crucial role in streamlining operations, enhancing safety, and driving innovations, making the dream of a hydrogen-powered future closer to reality.


Hydrogen's synergy with renewable energy isn't just ecological but also economical. As industries pivot towards hydrogen, new job opportunities emerge, fostering economic growth. Furthermore, the push for hydrogen can drive down its production costs, making renewable energy solutions more affordable and accessible to all.


As the world grapples with the twin challenges of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel resources, hydrogen gas is increasingly viewed as a promising cornerstone for a sustainable energy future. Its potential extends far beyond its current applications, positioning it as an influential actor in the global energy transition.

Hydrogen as a Universal Energy Carrier:

Intersectoral Application: Hydrogen can bridge different energy sectors, serving as a feedstock, fuel, and an energy carrier and storage solution.

Grid Flexibility: Hydrogen can help in balancing and stabilizing electricity grids, especially as intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar become dominant.

Clean Mobility:

Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are expected to become more prevalent, especially in segments where batteries may not be optimal, such as long-haul trucking, shipping, and aviation.

Infrastructure Development: Expect growth in hydrogen refueling stations, making hydrogen-powered transportation more accessible.

Decentralized Energy Systems:

Local Production: With the capability of producing hydrogen using local renewable resources, regions can reduce their dependency on centralized energy supplies.

Microgrids: Hydrogen can play a pivotal role in localized energy networks, delivering resilience and flexibility to communities and industries.

Greening Industrial Processes:

High-Temperature Processes: Industries such as steel and cement manufacturing, which require high-temperature heat, can use hydrogen as a clean alternative to coal.

Chemical Feedstock: Hydrogen will be essential in producing green chemicals, reducing the carbon footprint of the chemical industry.

Affordability and Economic Growth:

Cost Reduction: As demand grows and technologies advance, the cost of hydrogen production, storage, and transportation is expected to decrease.

Job Creation: A thriving hydrogen economy will create jobs across the value chain, from research and development to production and logistics.

Global Collaboration:

Standards and Policies: As hydrogen's role expands, international standards for its production, use, and trade will be established, ensuring safety and interoperability.

Strategic Partnerships: Countries will form alliances to share technologies, best practices, and infrastructure, fostering a global hydrogen ecosystem.

Innovative Storage Solutions:

Solid-State Hydrogen: Research into storing hydrogen in solid states, such as metal hydrides or chemical hydrogen storage, can revolutionize its storage and transport.

Underground Storage: Utilizing natural geological formations or salt caverns for large-scale hydrogen storage can offer seasonal storage solutions.

Integration with Other Technologies:

AI & ML: Advanced analytics, AI, and ML will optimize hydrogen production, distribution, and consumption.

Digital Twins: Simulating hydrogen systems using digital twins can accelerate innovation and improve system efficiency.

Hydrogen is more than just an element on the periodic table. In the context of renewable energy, it's a beacon of hope, a symbol of progress, and above all, the best friend renewable energy could ask for. As technology advances and our understanding of hydrogen's potential deepens, its role as a linchpin in the global shift towards sustainable energy becomes even more evident.

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